Sunday, May 18, 2008

Another Letter from Russia


Greetings you !
- State Party Chairman - Sir Frank Fluckiger,
- State Vice Chair - Sir David Perry,
- Secretary - Madam Judith C. Brown,
- Washington County Chair - Sir David T. Hinton

I did open your official web-site on the Internet.Your wonderful banner is:"Honour
God ! Defend the Family ! Restore the Republic !

"That is why I do respectfully ask you to look at the current situation in Texas. After the organized military attack against the peaceful religious community of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in El Dorado, TX, the government of Texas:

- did invade and did defile the FLDS Holy Temple;
- did destroy the FLDS families and did put the all FLDS children under the so-called "state custody":
- did destroy absolutely the great USA Constitution and the Bill about Rights, the FLDS religious liberty and the civil rights.

The government of Texas organized their military attack after the false telephone report of black racist extremist woman from other state. The government and police did not find and did not confirm any cases of abuse or any crimes in the "Yearning For Zion" FLDS ranch.The government of Texas did start the organized genocide against the FLDS Church:

- anti-White;
- anti-Mormon;
- anti-FLDS.

Today I - have - read very good book. It is "Statecraft" by Baroness Margaret Thatcher. She dedicated that her book in the memory and in the honour of the USA President Ronald Reagan. Yes, USA President Ronald Reagan was wonderful man. He did destroy the USSR - the Empire of Evil. He did brign the freedom for my country, for my family and for myself personally. Millions of people in the Eastern Europe and in the former USSR do respect the President Reagan's noble name much.The very sad fact that in modern America the government of Texas does realize the absolutely freely the Communist policy, methodology and the genocide. It was the government military terrorist attack against the peaceful and very religious children and women.
I shall be absolutely honest with you. I have had the several telephone conversations with Mrs. Naomi Jeffs, the FLDS - Church Prophet's wife, and with Mr. David K. Zitting, the Hildale city Mayor. They known well today from the USA Internet mass - media. They are most loyal FLDS people. I can testify from the all my heart before the divine Face of the God that the FLDS people are the most peaceful, the most humble, the most religious, the most patriotic and the most conservative people in the world. I do very respectfully ask you and the Constitution Party of Utah to use all your efforts and all your influence to:

- stop the genocide against FLDS people from the government of Texas;
- liberate the FLDS children and re-unite FLDS families immediately, as soon as possible;
- stop the religious prosecution against the FLDS people.

I do very respectfully ask you to rise up for the Ensign of Truth and Liberty.Please, do not put this my letter in "Trash" folder. That will be the very simple thing to delete my letter. But nobody will be able to "delete" the tears of the FLDS children and women. I ask noble USA President George Washington to be my witness from the Heavens. I ask President George Washington to be the witness against you if you will do nothing for the religious liberty and the civil rights of the FLDS people in the state of Texas.I do pray the Most High Almighty God to give you wisdom and strength to continue to fight for the great USA Constitution actually.

Yours truly and sincerely,

Yaroslav A. Kazmin (Voronezh - city, central Russia).

1 comment:

Pliggy said...

And one to the President:

Greetings !

Honourable Sir,

Dear Mister President

of the United States of America !

The United States of America does continue its positive efforts to fight against the terrorism. I do believe in your kind intentions to bring the freedom and the safery to the people. I do believe that you are the religious man and the great patriot of the United States of America.

That is why I do very respectfully ask you once again to protect the religious liberty and the civil rights of the members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS). The FLDS Church is the most Biblical and the most conservative Mormon religion in the United States of America. The do obey absolutely the laws of the land. They just want today to live in peace in their FLDS Mormon religion under protection of the great USA Constitution and the Bill about Rights.

I do very respectfully ask you, as the President of the United States of America and as the Leader of the noble American nation, to stop the all forms of the religious prosecution against the FLDS Church and the FLDS people on the territory of the United States of America. Please, allow the FLDS people to follow the Biblical laws and commandments in their private religious life.


Yours very respectfully and truly,

Yaroslav A. Kazmin

(Voronezh city, central Russia).